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Acoustic and projection microscopes. - Instruments for measuring quantities. -
Acoustic microscopes. - Instruments for resuscitation. -
Alcohol ignition lock. - Instruments for vehicles. -
Alpha beta counters. - Internal breast prostheses. -
Alpha counters. - Intraocular lenses. -
Ammeters. - Invalid carriages and wheelchairs. -
Anaesthesia and resuscitation devices. - Invalid carriages, wheelchairs and associated devices. -
Anaesthesia and resuscitation. - Invalid carriages. -
Anaesthesia devices. - Inverted and metallurgical microscopes. -
Anaesthesia mask. - Inverted microscopes. -
Analysers. - Ion and molecular microscopes. -
Analysis apparatus. - Ion microscopes. -
Anemometers. - Ionization chamber dosimeters. -
Angiography devices. - KVP meters. -
Angiography room. - Laboratory centrifuges and accessories. -
Angiography supplies. - Laboratory glassware. -
Angioplasty devices. - Laboratory microscope replacement bulbs. -
Angioplasty supplies. - Laboratory pipettes and accessories. -
Antiputrefaction masks. - Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware. -
Apparatus for detecting fluids. - Larynx artificial. -
Apparatus for measuring radiation. - Lasers. -
Artificial parts of the body. - Level-measuring equipment. -
Artificial parts of the heart. - Linear accelerators. -
Astronomical and optical instruments. - Liquid crystal devices. -
Audiometers. - Lithotripter. -
Autoclaves. - Long term ambulatory recording system. -
Automated microscope stages. - Machines and apparatus for testing and measuring. -
Automated swab test kits. - Machines and apparatus with individual functions. -
Autopsy body boards. - Magnetic meters. -
Autopsy bullet probes. - Magnetic resonance imaging equipment. -
Autopsy carts. - Magnetic resonance scanners. -
Autopsy dissection forceps. - Magnetic resonance unit. -
Autopsy dissection kits. - Magnetic shakers. -
Autopsy downdraft workstations or accessories. - Magnetometer geophysical instruments. -
Autopsy equipment and supplies. - Mammography devices. -
Autopsy fluid collection vacuum aspirators or tubing. - Manometers. -
Autopsy furniture. - Manual swab test kits. -
Autopsy grossing workstations or accessories. - Mass spectrometer. -
Autopsy hanging scales. - Measuring and control equipment. -
Autopsy head rests, body boards or hanging scales. - Measuring instruments. -
Autopsy head rests. - Mechanical shakers. -
Autopsy infectious disease kits. - Mechanical stirrers. -
Autopsy saw blades or accessories. - Mechanical therapy unit. -
Autopsy saws. - Mechanotherapy devices. -
Autopsy scissors. - Medical aids. -
Autopsy sinks or accessories. - Medical breathing devices. -
Autopsy tables or accessories. - Medical clothing. -
Autopsy tables. - Medical computer equipment. -
Autopsy vein directors. - Medical cultivation cabinet. -
Baggage-scanning equipment. - Medical furniture except beds and tables. -
Barometers. - Medical furniture. -
Batteries for pacemakers. - Medical gas masks. -
Beds for medical use. - Medical laser other than for surgery. -
Beta counters. - Medical tables. -
Beta gamma counters. - Metallurgical microscopes. -
Binoculars. - Meteorological instruments. -
Biochemical analysers. - Meteorology instrument accessories. -
Biological evidence collection kits. - Metering instruments. -
Biomedical equipment. - Meters. -
Blade impellers for mechanical stirrers. - Microscope collectors. -
Blood analysers. - Microscope condensers. -
Blood and fluid warming. - Microscope covers. -
Blood-cell counters. - Microscope eyepieces, condensers, collectors, tubes, stages and covers. -
Blood-transfusion devices. - Microscope eyepieces. -
Blood-transfusion supplies. - Microscope objectives. -
Blow bottle. - Microscope stages. -
Body transport containers. - Microscope tubes. -
Boiling temperature sensor for rotating evaporators. - Microscopes. -
Bomb detectors. - Milk analysers. -
Bone densitometers. - Mirrors. -
Bone dust collectors. - Miscellaneous compounds for microscopes. -
Breast prostheses. - Miscellaneous data recorders. -
Cadaver carriers. - Miscellaneous evaluation or testing instruments. -
Cadaver lifter or transfer devices. - Miscellaneous medical devices and products. -
Cadaver scissor lift trolleys. - Moisture meters. -
Cadaver storage racks. - Molecular microscopes. -
Cadaver tissue builder kits. - Monitors. -
Cadaver transport and storage equipment and supplies. - Monocular and/or binocular light compound microscopes. -
Cadaver transport bags. - Mortuary aspirators. -
Cadaver trays. - Mortuary equipment and supplies. -
Calendering machines. - Mortuary hardening compounds. -
Calibration weights. - Mortuary outfits. -
Calorimeters. - Mortuary packs. -
Cardiac stimulation devices. - Mortuary wraps. -
Cardiac support devices. - Motorised beds. -
Cardiac surgery devices. - Motorised wheelchairs. -
Cardiac valve. - Motors for invalid carriages. -
Cardiac X-ray system. - Navigational and meteorological instruments. -
Cardiac-monitoring devices. - Navigational instruments. -
Cardio-angiography devices. - Necropsy tables or accessories. -
Cardiographs. - Nightglasses. -
Cardiovascular devices. - Noise-measuring equipment. -
Cases for postmortem surgical instruments or accessories. - Non-medical equipment based on the use of radiations. -
CAT scanners. - Nuclear evaluation instruments. -
Central monitoring station. - Nuclear magnetic resonance scanners. -
Centrifuges, calendering or vending machines. - Operating tables. -
Centrifuges. - Operating techniques. -
Chassis for invalid carriages. - Operating theatre devices and instruments. -
Chemistry analyser. - Operating theatre furniture except tables. -
Chromatographic scanners. - Operating-theatre devices. -
Chromatographs. - Operating-theatre instruments. -
Clinical chemistry system. - Ophthalmology equipment. -
Clinical forensics equipment and supplies. - Optical aids. -
Cochlear implant. - Optical filters. -
Coelioscopy devices. - Optical instruments. -
Colour-flow doppler. - Optical microscopes. -
Colposcope. - Orthodontic devices. -
Compass accessories. - Orthopaedic beds. -
Compasses. - Orthopaedic implants. -
Contact lenses lotions. - Orthopaedic prostheses. -
Contact lenses. - Orthopaedic support devices. -
Contamination-monitoring devices. - Oscillographs. -
Continuous-flow chambers for ultrasound disintegrators. - Oscilloscopes. -
Control devices for invalid carriages. - Osteosynthesis devices. -
Controller unit. - Otolaryngology implant. -
Converters for ultrasound disintegrators. - Oxygen administration unit. -
Coronary endoprostheses. - Oxygen kits. -
Corrective lenses. - Oxygen mask. -
Coulometers. - Oxygen tents. -
Cryosurgical and cryotherapy devices. - Oxygen therapy unit. -
CT scanners. - Oxygenator. -
Cytometers. - Ozone generators. -
Darkfield and scanning probe microscopes. - Pacemaker. -
Darkfield microscopes. - Pantographs. -
Decibel meter. - Particle accelerators. -
Defibrillator. - Parts and accessories for hearing aids. -
Densitometers. - Parts and accessories for invalid carriages and wheelchairs. -
Dental and subspecialty instruments and devices. - Parts and accessories for invalid carriages. -
Dental burnishers. - Parts and accessories for pacemakers. -
Dental chairs. - Parts and accessories for wheelchairs. -
Dental cryosurgical units. - Parts of calendering machines. -
Dental cryosurgical, gauges, elevators and excavators. - Parts of centrifuges. -
Dental depth gauges. - Parts of rolling machines. -
Dental disposable instrument. - Pathology dissection instruments and supplies. -
Dental drills. - Patient-monitoring system. -
Dental elevators. - Periscopes. -
Dental excavators. - Petri dish stand for shakers. -
Dental extraction instrument. - pH meters. -
Dental filling instrument. - Phantom dosimeters. -
Dental fingers protectors and forceps. - Pharmaceutical glassware. -
Dental fingers protectors. - Photo attachments for microscopes. -
Dental forceps. - Photo or video attachments for microscopes. -
Dental hand instrument. - Physical therapy devices. -
Dental implant. - Pinball machines. -
Dental impression accessories. - Pipette stands. -
Dental knives. - Pipette tips. -
Dental mirrors and reamers. - Pipettes. -
Dental mirrors. - Platform for Erlenmeyer flask clamps for shakers. -
Dental nippers, brushes, retractors and burnishers. - Polarising material. -
Dental nippers. - Polarizing microscopes. -
Dental operative brushes. - Pollution-monitoring devices. -
Dental probe. - Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) equipment. -
Dental prophylaxis accessories. - Postmortem and mortuary equipment and supplies. -
Dental reamers. - Postmortem animal dissection tables or accessories. -
Dental retractors. - Postmortem blood detection kits or supplies. -
Dental root tip picks, scalers and scale. - Postmortem finger straighteners. -
Dental root tip picks. - Postmortem fingerprint or impression materials. -
Dental scale. - Postmortem identification tags or bracelets. -
Dental scalers. - Postmortem incision clips. -
Dental scissors and knives. - Postmortem needles. -
Dental scissors. - Postmortem rectal thermometers. -
Dental spatulas, tweezers and wax carvers. - Postmortem thread, needles or incision clips. -
Dental spatulas. - Postmortem thread. -
Dental surgical instrument. - Precipitation or evaporation recorders. -
Dental suture needle. - Precipitation or evaporation surface observing apparatus. -
Dental tweezers. - Precision balances. -
Dental wax carvers. - Pressure gauges. -
Dental workstations. - Pressure regulator for rotating evaporators. -
Dental X-ray. - Pressure scanners. -
Dentures. - Pressure-measuring equipment. -
Depth indicators. - Probes for ultrasound disintegrators. -
Dermatological devices. - Production counters. -
Detection and analysis apparatus. - Projection microscopes. -
Detection apparatus for metal pipes. - Prosthodontic and relining products. -
Detection apparatus for mines. - Protective goggles. -
Detection apparatus for non-metallic objects. - Protective shield for rotating evaporators. -
Detection apparatus for plastics. - Psychiatric couches. -
Detection apparatus for timber. - Psychology testing devices. -
Detection apparatus. - Psychrometers. -
Devices and instruments for infusion. - Pycnometers. -
Devices and instruments for transfusion and infusion. - Pyrometers. -
Devices and instruments for transfusion. - Radar apparatus. -
Devices for the disabled. - Radar surveillance equipment. -
Devices for the elderly. - Radiation dosimeters. -
Diagnostic devices. - Radiation monitors. -
Diagnostic supplies. - Radio remote-control apparatus. -
Diagnostic systems. - Radiodiagnostic devices. -
Diagnostic ultrasound devices. - Radiodiagnostic supplies. -
Diagnostic X-ray system. - Radiography devices. -
Diagnostics and radiodiagnostic devices and supplies. - Radiosonde apparatus. -
Dialysis filters. - Radiotherapy devices and supplies. -
Diffraction apparatus. - Radiotherapy supplies. -
Digital angiography devices. - Rainfall recorders. -
Digital remote-control unit. - Reagent strips. -
Direction-finding equipment. - Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) equipment. -
Dispersing instruments for immersion homogenisers. - Recording systems and exploration devices. -
Dissection boards or pads. - Regulating and controlling instruments and apparatus. -
Doppler equipment. - Remote-control equipment. -
Dosimeters. - Remote-control siren devices. -
Dosimetry system. - Renal consumables. -
Drafting machines. - Renal dialysis consumables. -
Drafting tables. - Renal fluid. -
Drug detection apparatus. - Renal support devices. -
Echo sounders. - Repair and maintenance services of checking apparatus. -
Echo, ultrasound and doppler imaging equipment. - Repair and maintenance services of electricity meters. -
Echocardiographs. - Repair and maintenance services of gas meters. -
Echoencephalographs. - Repair and maintenance services of gas-detection equipment. -
Electrical, electromagnetic and mechanical treatment. - Repair and maintenance services of industrial time-measuring equipment. -
Electricity meters. - Repair and maintenance services of measuring apparatus. -
Electro-encephalographs. - Repair and maintenance services of medical and surgical equipment. -
Electrocardiogram. - Repair and maintenance services of medical equipment. -
Electrocardiography devices. - Repair and maintenance services of surgical equipment. -
Electromagnetic geophysical instruments. - Repair and maintenance services of tachometers. -
Electromagnetic unit. - Repair and maintenance services of testing apparatus. -
Electromyographs. - Repair and maintenance services of water meters. -
Electron microscopes. - Repair and maintenance services of wheelchairs. -
Electron-beam recorders. - Repair and maintenance services of X-ray equipment. -
Electronic analytical balances. - Research, testing and scientific technical simulator. -
Electronic detection apparatus. - Resistivity geophysical instruments. -
Electronic meters. - Respiratory monitors. -
Electronic scales and accessories. - Resuscitation devices. -
Electronic technical balances. - Resuscitation mask. -
Electrosurgical unit. - Revolution counters. -
Electrotherapy devices. - Rheometers. -
Embalming cavity injectors. - Rolling machines. -
Embalming equipment and supplies. - Rotameters. -
Embalming fluids or chemical treatments. - Rotary and abrasive instrument. -
Embalming injecting tubes. - Rotary equipment for centrifuges. -
Embalming injector needles. - Rotating blade homogenizers. -
Embalming kits. - Rotating evaporators. -
Embalming sinks or accessories. - Safety glass. -
Embalming vein drainage tubes. - Scanners. -
Embalming workstations or accessories. - Scanning electron microscopes. -
Emission measurement equipment. - Scanning probe microscopes. -
Emission spectrometer. - Scintigraphy devices. -
Endodontics accessories. - Secondary standard dosimetry systems. -
Endoscopes. - Seed and feed equipment. -
Endoscopy, endosurgery devices. - Seed counters. -
Energy meters. - Seismic equipment. -
Epidural kits or packs. - Servo-hydraulic test apparatus. -
Erlenmeyer flask basket for shakers. - Sextants. -
Erlenmeyer flask clamps for shakers. - Shakers and accessories. -
Error-monitoring equipment. - Slide rules. -
Examination tables. - Smoke-analysis apparatus. -
Expansion analysers. - Smoke-detection apparatus. -
Explosives detection system. - Solar radiation surface observing apparatus. -
External breast prostheses. - Solderability testers. -
Extracorporeal circulatory unit. - Sonars. -
Eye caps. - Sonometers. -
Eye care products and corrective lenses. - Sound velocity analyzers. -
False eyes. - Sound-measuring equipment. -
Fault detectors. - Specialist optical instruments. -
Feed analyzers. - Spectacle lenses. -
Fibre-optic apparatus. - Spectacles. -
Flask adaptor for shakers. - Spectrographs. -
Floor-model centrifuges. - Spectrometers. -
Flow-measuring equipment. - Spectroscopy devices. -
Flowmeters. - Spectrum analyser. -
Fluid mechanics equipment. - Speed indicators for vehicles. -
Fluorescent and polarizing microscopes. - Speed limiters. -
Fluorescent microscopes. - Squares. -
Fluxmeters. - Stands for separating funnels. -
Frames and mountings for goggles. - Steering devices for invalid carriages. -
Frames and mountings for spectacles. - Stereo or dissecting light microscopes. -
Functional support. - Sterilisation, disinfection and hygiene devices. -
Gamma cameras. - Steriliser. -
Gamma counters. - Stimulator. -
Gamma therapy devices. - Stomatology devices. -
Gas chromatographs. - Strength estimation apparatus. -
Gas generators. - Stretchers. -
Gas-analysis apparatus. - Stroboscopes. -
Gas-detection apparatus. - Structure estimation apparatus. -
Gas-detection equipment. - Sunglasses. -
Gas-testing kits. - Surface observing apparatus. -
Gas-therapy and respiratory devices. - Surface tension measuring instruments. -
Geiger counters. - Surgical baskets. -
Geographic information systems (GIS or equivalent). - Surgical containers. -
Geological and geophysical instruments. - Surgical implants. -
Geological compasses. - Surgical instruments. -
Geological prospecting apparatus. - Surgical laser. -
Glass ampoules. - Surgical lights. -
Glass for spectacles. - Surgical tracking and tracing systems. -
Glass mirrors. - Surgical trays. -
Glassware. - Surveying instruments. -
Global navigation and positioning systems (GPS or equivalent). - Surveying, hydrographic, oceanographic and hydrological instruments and appliances. -
Goggles. - Tabletop centrifuges. -
Grain analyzers. - Tachometers. -
Gravimeters. - Taxi meters. -
Gravity geophysical instruments. - Telemetry apparatus. -
Haematology analysers. - Telescopes. -
Haemodialysis devices. - Telescopic sights. -
Haemodialysis individual monitor. - Temperature humidity testers. -
Haemodialysis multiposition. - Temperature or humidity surface observing apparatus. -
Hand-held instruments for measuring length. - Tensiometer. -
Hearing aids. - Tent for medical use. -
Heating plates for flasks. - Test tube stand for shakers. -
Heating plates. - Test tubes. -
Hospital beds. - Theodolites. -
Humidity and moisture measuring instruments. - Therapy beds. -
Hydrographic instruments. - Thermal regulators for mechanical shakers with heating plates. -
Hydrometers. - Thermocouples. -
Hygiene monitoring and testing equipment. - Thermographs. -
Hygienic glassware. - Thermometers. -
Hygrometers. - Tomography devices. -
Hyperbaric chambers. - Topography equipment. -
Illuminators for microscopes. - Traction or suspension devices for medical beds. -
Imaging equipment for medical, dental and veterinary use. - Transfusion pods. -
Immersion homogenisers. - Transmission electron microscope. -
Immuno-analysis devices. - Ultrasonic heart detector. -
Immunoassay analysers. - Ultrasonic unit. -
Incubating shakers. - Ultrasound disintegrators. -
Incubators. - Ultrasound scanners. -
Induced polarization IP geophysical instruments. - Ultraviolet medical devices. -
Industrial lasers. - Urine-bottle holders. -
Industrial process control equipment and remote-control equipment. - Urology, exploration devices. -
Industrial process control equipment. - Vascular prostheses. -
Infrared medical devices. - Ventricle. -
Infusion pumps. - Vibration analysers. -
Infusion supplies. - Video attachments for microscopes. -
Inserts for centrifuges. - Viscosimeters. -
Installation services of checking equipment. - Voltmeters. -
Installation services of dental and subspecialty equipment. - Water meters. -
Installation services of electrotherapyequipment. - Weather stations. -
Installation services of imaging equipment. - Wheelchair cushions. -
Installation services of laboratory equipment. - Wheelchair frames. -
Installation services of mechanotherapy equipment. - Wheelchair seats. -
Installation services of medical and surgical equipment. - Wheelchair wheels. -
Installation services of medical equipment. - Wheelchairs. -
Installation services of navigating equipment. - Wide field microscopes. -
Installation services of physical therapy equipment. - Wide field, stereo or dissecting light microscopes. -
Installation services of radiotherapy equipment. - Wind surface observing apparatus. -
Installation services of surgical equipment. - X ray microanalysers. -
Installation services of testing equipment. - X-ray devices. -
Instrument rolls for postmortem surgical instruments or accessories. - X-ray fluoroscopy devices. -
Instruments for anaesthesia and resuscitation. - X-ray inspection equipment. -
Instruments for anaesthesia. - X-ray processing devices. -
Instruments for checking physical characteristics. - X-ray table. -
Instruments for measuring electrical quantities. - X-ray therapy devices. -
Instruments for measuring flow, level and pressure of liquids and gases. - X-ray workstations. -